Camp Nanowrimo

Where should I begin about Camp Nano?

The short version is I didn’t meet my word count goal and with just a few days left, I definitely won’t make it to 30k.  I wrote close to 10k words and couldn’t go any further.

Now for the long version.

I started off pretty good but just fell off along the way.  I’m starting to wonder why that is since this is basically what happened the last time I attempted to do Camp Nano.

My problem seems to be the fact that I keep going over what I have already written and fixing things.  I can’t just write and put off editing little things like bad spelling for later.  I have to fix it.  I see that little red line and I can’t not go back and make it go away.

The other reason could be that my story probably wasn’t ready yet.  My outline was incomplete and needed more developing but I thought at the time that I had enough to give it a shot.  Obviously that was a bad idea.

But I learned a lesson.  I won’t say I will never try Camp Nano again or never attempt the November Nano.  I will however make sure I am alot more prepared and that I am ready to start writing.

How has Camp Nano been for you? Please share.